Helpful Calculators

Automobile Calculators
Auto loan - Accelerated payoffShould I lease or purchase an auto?Auto purchase - Loan versus 0% dealer financing?What would my auto payments be?How much vehicle can I afford?
Cash Flow Calculators
How much am I spending?How much do I need for emergencies?Should I pay down debt or invest more?How long will my money last?How does inflation impact my standard of living?What is my current net worth?What is my projected net worth?What is my current cash flow?Value of reducing or foregoing expenses.What is my projected cash flow?Historical inflation - Compare purchasing power
College Calculators
Advantages of a 529 College Savings PlanWhat is the value of a college education?Will I be able to pay back my student loans?How much should I be saving for college?When should I begin saving for childs college?
Credit Calculators
How long will it take to pay off my credit card(s)?How long until my loan is paid off?What would my loan payments be?Do I have too much debt?What is the balance owing on my loan?Should I consolidate my personal debt?Re-structuring debts for accelerated payoffWhich is better, cash up front or payments over time?What is the impact of making extra debt payments?Should I pay off debts or invest the money?
Home & Mortgage Calculators
How much home can I afford?Mortgage calculatorComparing mortgage terms (i.e. 15, 20, 30 year)What are the tax savings generated by my mortgage?
Retirement Calculators
How will retirement impact my living expenses?How much will I need to save for retirement?Are my current retirement savings sufficient?Social security retirement income estimatorHow does inflation impact my retirement income needs?I am retired, how long will my savings last?When should I begin saving for retirement?Compare a Roth 401(k) to a Traditional 401(K)
Taxation Calculators
Federal Income Tax Estimator (Current Year)Will my investment interest be deductible?What is my potential estate tax liability?Capital gains (and losses) tax estimator
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